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LUKSO makes it possible to create digital lives for real-life products with a combination of sewn-in chips, smart contracts, and user interfaces. The digital twin of a physical fashion item uncovers and preserves its unique history and value: this includes the knowledge about its producers, authenticity, provenance, previous owners, or about its order in a batch of production. The newfound knowledge about a fashion item then becomes a source of luxury in its own.
Youtube Without Featured Image
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=sNMSwqAurcA We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities. We are team of creative photographers. We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities....
Video post
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We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities, you come in right place. This template consist of well-organized layers. Tons of features waiting for you
Posted by n1cK on / 0 Comments
We are team of creative photographers. We passionate with photography and other creative things. If you are looking professional photography theme with endless possibilities. We are team of creative photographers.
🇨🇭 Envion AG
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Die Envion AG hat eine Mobile Mining Unit (MMU) entwickelt, die direkt am Erzeugungsort der genutzten Elektrizität eingesetzt werden kann. Die Besonderheit des ICO liegt neben den verschiedenen akzeptierten Zahlungsmitteln und dynamischem Tokenpreis auch in den Dividendenzahlungen für Tokenkäufer. Dies trug zu einem Gesamtfundingvolumen von $100 Mio. bei.